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Közraktár utca 4-6. C503. Telefon: 482-7241 Fax: 482-7255 Kezdőoldal Corvinus Egyetem Kapcsolat IN ENGLISH

Ideas about European unity in the first half of the 20th century 
(Az európai egységgondolat a huszadik század elején)

The Council of Europe

The European Coal and Steel Community and the European Defence Community

The Rome Treaties

The Golden Era of the integration (1958-1973)

The Nine in the 1970s

Europe of the Ten and Twelve

The EU in the 1990s

The EU in the 21st century

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1093 Budapest, Közraktár u. 4-6. V. em. 503. Telefon: (1) 482-7241 Fax: (1) 482-7255