Neptun kód Jelszó
Közraktár utca 4-6. C503. Telefon: 482-7241 Fax: 482-7255 Kezdőoldal Corvinus Egyetem Kapcsolat IN ENGLISH



The basic aim of the program is to train specialists with a wide horizon of social sciences to a high level, so that they will be able to understand the theoretical and practical correspondences in international relations. Students acquire high-level competence in foreign languages, negotiating techniques and in the rules of protocol. Their professional aptitude gained through a comprehensive training in history, international politics, international law and other fields of social sciences enables them to analyze and synthesize complex issues, understand and make predictions about the political, legal and economic processes of international relations. Upon completing these studies the students will be armed with all the theoretical and practical knowledge that a Master’s program can provide and as an additional bonus, they would be able to locate the perspectives of the Central East European (CEE) region amid the complexities of the international system as well as interpreting the EU’s role and position in world politics and the world economy. Likewise, the qualified students would have an understanding of the development tendencies in areas out of Europe. The program offers a choice for a future career in public administration, international institutions, NGOs or multinational companies.

© 2024 Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem, Nemzetközi Kapcsolatok Tanszék
1093 Budapest, Közraktár u. 4-6. V. em. 503. Telefon: (1) 482-7241 Fax: (1) 482-7255