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JEAN MONNET CHAIR IN EU POLICIES Within the new Erasmus+ Programme, the Jean Monnet Actions aim at promoting excellence in teaching and research in the field of European Union studies worldwide. These Actions also aim at fostering the dialogue between the academic world and policy makers, in particular with the aim of enhancing governance of EU policies. Key activities include courses, research, conferences, and publications in the field of EU studies. Named after one of the „founders" of European integration process, the Jean Monnet Chair programme supports teaching positions in the field of European integration studies worldwide. Launched in 1989, the Jean Monnet programme is now present in 72 countries throughout the world. Between 1990 and 2014 the programme has helped to set up 900 Chairs, of which the Jean Monnet Chair in EU Policies at Corvinus University of Budapest was awarded in fall 2014 to Ákos Kengyel, Associate Professor of European Economic Integration at Institute of International Studies. Professor Kengyel has received this three-year grant to support comprehensive multidisciplinary teaching, research and dissemination activities focusing on European integration at Institute of International Studies. ACTIVITIES OF THE JEAN MONNET CHAIR IN EU POLICIES
What is a Jean Monnet Chair? A Jean Monnet Chair is a teaching post with a specialisation in European Union studies for university professors or senior lectures. Only one professor may hold the Chair and must provide the minimum of 90 teaching hours per academic year. Which activities are supported under this action? A Jean Monnet Chair can carry out one or more of the following activities:
Dissemination and impact Jean Monnet Chairs have to disseminate and exploit the results of the organised teaching and research activities beyond the stakeholders directly involved. This will considerably increase the impact and contribute to a systemic change. To increase their impact they should include in their dissemination activities the creation and offer of Open Education Resources and involve open education activities to respond to technological progress. This will foster more flexible and creative ways of learning and reach out to a considerably increasing number of students, professionals, policy makers and other interested groups. What are the criteria used to assess a Jean Monnet Chair? Projects are assessed against the following criteria:
The activities of the Jean Monnet Chair in EU Policies could contribute to better understanding of European integration and the objectives of different policies governed at EU level within the frameworks of different types of competencies. The chair will have a specific focus on the needs for EU level intervention in the fields of economic governance and regional development policy. The teaching activities and connected events will stimulate discussion and open debate on the future of European integration and can contribute to a more balanced and well-based thinking on the functioning and tasks of the European Union. The BA, MA, postgraduate and PhD level courses include comprehensive courses on European integration, EU policies, and specific courses on economic governance, regional development policy and the impacts of EU level transfers. In addition, a special focus will be given to the experiences of the Visegrad Countries. The offered courses improve the teaching contents of BA, MA, postgraduate and PhD programs at Corvinus University and seriously contribute to the extension of the number of students studying about European integration. Together with well-prepared and experienced colleagues at the Institute of International Studies of the Faculty of Social Sciences at Corvinus University, the chair holder can renew and reorganize the activities in the field of European Studies within the Institute of International Studies. The chair includestwo experienced associate professors (Ákos Kengyel, Zoltán Gálik) and two experienced assistant professors (Éva Kővári Ignáth, Anita Szűcs) with PhD degree, who are becoming very active in European Union studies subject areas. Former teaching activities at Corvinus University will be extended and strengthenedwith a special emphasis on 2 directions. (1) Having comprehensive courses for those students who are not specialised in European Studies (students from other faculties and disciplines). This goal is mainly reached by a BA level course on European integration for 350-400 students annually, and by comprehensive courses for the students of the BA and MA programs in International Studies (courses with 120-140 students annually). (2) Strengthening specific courses on European economic governance and the impact of EU level regional development policy transfers. These special courses will be offered for MA, postgraduate and PhD students. This group of subjects will have an added value from the point of view of understanding the role of EU level and national bodies in managing the economic and social changes during and after the international financial and economic crisis. The special focus of teaching activities will be accompanied with active debating activities which can improve dissemination of ideas and new approaches towards general public, civil society, practitioners, and academicians. The results achieved by professors (chair holder and the key staff members) and also by students will become more visible through workshops, round table discussions, conferences, and can strengthen the outstanding role of Corvinus University in initiating open debates on actual and strategic questions of European integration. The networking activities with representatives of governmental organizations will be encouraged: study visits to the relevant authorities will be regularly organized. In addition, academicians, researchers, experts from other organizations will be invited for making presentations at our events. Through the dissemination of teaching and research activities we will use modern ICT tools, like internet platform. The ppt drafts of the lectures, background materials, working papers will be available on-line. We will create a special open internet platform exclusively for the Jean Monnet Chair activities. At the same time "traditional" publications will also be encouraged: 2 new books will be published. One about European economic governance after the economic crisis and its political implications, the other about cohesion policy and budget of the EU. The connected activities (workshops, round table discussions, study visits, conferences) will initiate a comprehensive wide range debate among different groups. The students will become more active in debating activities, they will have the opportunity to prepare their own research papers and present their results and exchange their main findings. The workshops, publications on internet platform, the study visits to governmental institutions will strengthen students’ involvement in discussion on the future shape of governing European integration and the impact of EU membership. The relevance of the activities to the objectives of the Action The Chair will stimulate excellence in teaching, research and reflection in European integration studies at Corvinus University: it will give a chance to extend the scope of European integration studies within the university. The courses deepen the curriculum of BA, MA, postgraduate and PhD programs. Most of the courses are part of a "European specialization" within the International Relations BA, MA, and PhD programs. This means that the knowledge on EU policies will be strengthened and, according to the level of education, the subjects will be gradually more and more specialized. In addition to giving a complex picture about the implementation and operation of EU policies, the knowledge in the fields of European economic governance and EU regional policy will be deepened. The students will be able to compare and evaluate the experiences of individual EU member states and regions from different aspects. The teaching activities and the planned workshops will have a clear effect on conducting, monitoring and supervising research on EU subjects, because the best postgraduate and PhD students will have the possibility to make their individual research and present their papers on the workshops. The Chair holder and the key staff members can actively help the students’ efforts. In addition, students at all levels of their education will have the possibility to choose an EU-related topic for their thesis. The Institute of International Studies plays an exceptional role in in-depth teaching on European Union matters for future professionals. The activities of the Chair can strengthen this commitment in the field of specialized knowledge and skills in connection with European economic governance and regional development policy issues. The leading professionals, experts, civil servants are and will be graduated from our programs at Corvinus University. |